Founder, Jessica Wise

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Quarantine Audaciously: How to Kick Some Work from Home Ass

Quarantine Audaciously: How to Kick Some Work from Home Ass

By Jessica Wise

The next two weeks are about to get very interesting. The recent coronavirus outbreak has brought on a quarantine that’s firing up social media with memes, introvert cheers, and photos of empty store aisles. For those of us who have the privilege, working from home is mandatory at least until the end of the month.

THIS. This is what we’ve been training for.

Millennials, all we’ve ever wanted is a job with good pay, benefits, a reasonable commute, a flexible schedule, and work from home options so we can continue to pursue our individual goals. Sure, it took companies forever to own up to the fact that the same jobs we do in an office (that they have to pay for) can be done just as easily at home (which would, consequently, save them money). But this is an opportunity.

Don’t f**k this up.

Seriously, this is an opportunity to prove with hard trends and data that we can be just as productive at home as we are in the office. While this may change nothing once this quarantine period is over, the best things that can come from a productive two weeks from home are:

  • More work from home days

  • Improving work from home policies

  • Building employer-employee trust

  • Empowering employees to work more independently

  • More time for employees to accomplish needed household tasks with the elimination of commute

This is no guarantee that jobs will allow this, and depending on the nature of your work, you may need to be onsite more than off once this is over. Nevertheless, here are my tips as to how you can quarantine audaciously:

Create a Real Workspace.

I don’t know about you, but working from my bed does not keep me productive. I fall asleep, get uncomfortable, and I look really lazy if I have to get on a video chat. Not to mention, the last thing I want is to associate my sleeping sanctuary with the stress of my 9 to 5. Get in a space that helps you get your work done just as well as you would at your desk. It doesn’t have to be a fancy home office. Maybe it’s your balcony, your kitchen counter and barstool, a hole-in-the-wall coffee shop, or even your couch next to a window. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s a well lit space that keeps you alert and in good posture to have a productive day.

Get Dressed...ish.

Pajamas sound like a good idea for working from home...until you yawn or get hungry. Dressing well for your home office puts you in the working mindset. A suit isn’t necessary. In fact, it seems like a wasted outfit when it doesn’t go past your kitchen, but you can still make yourself presentable. Put on some comfy-but-nice loungewear or athleisure. Take a shower and wash your face. You’ll be surprised how much it changes your attitude.

Get Some Noise Going.

The silence in your home office can get monotonous. Take advantage of not being limited to your headphones, and blast some music that helps you focus. Maybe turn on some TV that can run as white noise. Open the window and listen to the traffic or the birds outside. By keeping some kind of active bustle going on, much like in a typical office, you can keep your work from home lively.

Move Your Body & Eat Well

It can be easy to sit on the couch and eat pizza for your next two weeks working from home. Try to fight the urge. Now that you’re in one space, it’s more important than ever to eat healthy in order to avoid getting sleepy and sluggish while working. Eat a balanced breakfast, opt for more vegetables, and take your vitamins. Find ways to move your body and get the endorphins going, too. Starting your morning with a HIIT workout or yoga flow before logging on for work could be the very boost of energy you need for the day ahead.

Communicate with Your Managers

If your office doesn’t typically operate offsite, chances are your managers are on edge. Are people really working and being productive? Are employees taking required lunch breaks? Is everyone clear on the expectations and goals of the day? Try to be understanding and flexible. Your first instinct might be to recluse yourself outside of conference calls and virtual meetings, but try to stay plugged in and easy to reach during work hours. This is new to them, too. Keep your management in the loop on what you’re working on, where you may need help, and questions you have to improve your workflow. They’ll appreciate you being proactive and taking the time home seriously instead of as a mini-vacation. It also keeps them from micromanaging you by feeling like they have to look over your shoulder to see you’re actually getting work done.

These next two weeks are going to completely change the way we work, and the way some companies see work from home.

Let’s make the most of it!

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