Why We Need a “Planned Parenthood for Mental Health” Solution
By Tamia Ishman
Domestic violence. Parentless homes. Drug abuse. Alcoholism. Eating disorders. Sexual abuse. Cancer and other diseases. Poverty. I encountered each of these events as a witness or a victim in some form before the age of 10. Adulthood brought its own set of traumas that I have had to navigate through. While my life still has had significant moments of happiness I can reflect on, I was not surprised that major depression is a mental health diagnosis that I fight. After my diagnosis, I quickly turned to support resources, including therapy, and was shocked to find that statistically I was not alone in this.
I continue to be moved by the reality that there are many people who are not able to access mental health treatment because of the costs. We need more free education and treatment options for mental health issues just as much as we need Planned Parenthood for reproductive health. We desperately need both.
According to Business Insider, “Since 2013, millennials have seen a 47% increase in major depression diagnoses. The overall rate increased from 3% to 4.4% among 18- to 34-year-olds.” Although there is no way to be certain of the cause of this increase, research has shown there is a pattern of diagnoses stemming from loneliness, untreated adverse childhood experiences, and financial distress.
Why loneliness?
Research says that loneliness among millennials is contributed to waiting longer to get married and being less connected to political and religious affiliations. Arguably, there are millennials that attribute their decision to liberate themselves from these traditions as the reason they can maintain peace in their lives. It is important to find a healthy balance between establishing your own identity and finding your identity within some type of community.
What are ACEs and how do they contribute?
ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences. These are experiences that have the potential to be traumatic, such as living with a divorced/separated parents or living with someone struggling with drug/alcohol-related problems.
All children can encounter an ACE in some form. However, children in the welfare system are far more likely to experience 4 ACEs compared to the general population. These experiences statistically predict affected children to have a shorter life span. Along with physically protecting children, they need mental health resources to get through their day-to-day. Chicago Public School teachers expressed the need for social workers in schools to help students deal with trauma. It is unfortunate, but a lot of children deal with residual issues of familial stress.
What do they mean by “money problems?”
It is no secret that millennials have significant student loan debt that hinders them from being able to enjoy the rewards of their labor. In addition, CNBC recently shared that millennials would have to save half of their paycheck in order to retire at the age of 65. Northwestern University professor, Olivia S. Mitchell, encouraged millennials to keep working: “If you can keep working, do so. If you can’t work full-time, work part-time. Every little bit helps.” Unless you’re working in your dream career, then, the prospect of having to work for the rest of your life sounds daunting and, frankly, a bleak way to look at one’s human existence. It’s the notion of living to just pay bills and die.
Considering the present stressors surrounding money that millennials face, their access to mental health resources are limited if their finances are not where they need to be.
Mental health may seem like a “trendy” conversation for media outlets to highlight these days, but it is a serious matter. Instead of questioning the intent, we should ensure it generates an important conversation of awareness and the need for FREE treatment.
This article is in no way intended to replace professional medical help. Since stress about money may impact millennials being about to afford the treatment that is needed to live a mentally healthy life, I want to share coping mechanisms and resources that have helped me:
According to the University of Rochester’s Medical Center, journaling can help you gain control over your emotions.
Suicide Prevention Hotline has a phone number you can call for crisis support. If you’re not comfortable talking, you might be less anxious to know that there is an online chat available.
Advocating for resources before a crisis ensues is imperative to growing a generation of mentally healthy people. America missed the boat on being proactive, but I applaud the unity among millennials in removing the stigma of mental health in our society. I challenge our local, state, and federal government to remember the people who have to live these lives daily with the choices our legislators often carelessly make for us. Planned Parenthood was a great idea, and now we need an equivalent to help improve the mental health of those around us.
Children’s Bureau. (n.d.). Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES). Retrieved from https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/preventionmonth/resources/ace/
Ducharme, J. (2019). More Millennials Are Dying ‘Deaths of Despair,’ as Overdose and Suicide Rates Climb. TIME USA. Retrieved from https://time.com/5606411/millennials-deaths-of-despair
Hauck, G. & Richards, E. (2019). Chicago's kids are watching friends and family die. The teachers strike may finally bring them help. USA Today. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/11/03/chicago-teachers-strike-wins-social-workers-tackle-gun-violence/2449942001/
Hoffower, H. &. Akhtar, A. (2019). Lonely, Burned Out, and Depressed: The State of Millenials’ Mental Health in 2019. Business Insider. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/millennials-mental-health-burnout-lonely-depressed-money-stress#depression-is-on-the-rise-among-millennials-1
Journaling for Mental Health. (n.d.). URMC Health Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentID=4552&ContentTypeID=1
Leonhardt, M. (2019) To retire at 65, millennials will need to save nearly half of their paycheck. CNBC. Retrieved from https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/23/millennials-need-to-save-an-huge-percent-of-paycheck-to-retire-at-65.html
Sacks, V.; Murphey, D.; & Moore, K. (2014) Adverse Childhood Experiences: National and State Prevention Level. Child Trends, Publication #2014-28. Retrieved from https://www.childtrends.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Brief-adverse-childhood-experiences_FINAL.pdf
Meet the Writer
Tamia Ishman is a karaoke professional and culture lover with an interest in studying cultures related to the African diaspora. Native of Gary, IN; wife, mother, child of God, and owner of Tamia Ink, LLC., she strives to use her voice for those in underserved communities.
IG: @ttishman.