Founder, Jessica Wise

At Audacity Magazine & Events, we create online content and host, professional development workshops, networking events, and vendor markets for young (millennial/Gen Z) professionals and small business owners.

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100% Black-Owned

Meet Jhane: Author of To Feel the Darkness But Choose the Light

Meet Jhane: Author of To Feel the Darkness But Choose the Light

An Interview with Jessica Wise

We're so excited to catch author Jhazzymn Jhane on the heels of her latest poetry book release: To Feel the Darkness But Choose the Light.

We talk about her work, her inspiration, and being a multi-faceted brand.

Order To Feel the Darkness But Choose the Light, now on Barnes & Noble and Amazon. And visit her LinkTree for her Etsy shop, newsletter, and launch party info.

Alone With You in the Ether Review

Alone With You in the Ether Review

Top 3 Mistakes Business Owners Make Seeking Investors: Meet Armond Davis of The Paragon Group

Top 3 Mistakes Business Owners Make Seeking Investors: Meet Armond Davis of The Paragon Group