Founder, Jessica Wise

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How to Answer Questions About Your Career at Thanksgiving

How to Answer Questions About Your Career at Thanksgiving

By Jessica Wise

Well everybody, we’re back. Winter holidays are no longer cancelled, and the return to family gatherings comes with everything that goes with it — including nosey family members.

Ever gone to a family dinner and NOBODY understood what you do for work? Here are some creative responses (if you choose to respond) you can give when asked about your career with your family this Thanksgiving:

“Let me take you through my day.”

People tend to dilute or minimize professions they don’t understand, especially when it comes to millennials. Toot your own horn! By recounting your work day to inquiring minds, not only are you giving them a better idea of what you do, but you’re also showing the value you bring to your workplace. Plus, you can fluff it up to make a fun story for the table!

“[Insert a title that’s easier to understand.]”

Titles and industries have evolved. Not everyone knows what a Content Operations Specialist is. If you’re not a person who likes explaining a lot, just shift the language to “Web Content Creator.” It doesn’t have to be a 100% accurate, just easy and self-explanatory.

“Remember how [character] did [occupation] on [TV show or movie]? That’s what I do.”

Analogies are your friend! It’s also a chance for you to show how interesting your work can be. A fun example is a great way to share more about what you do.

“Meh, I don’t wanna talk about work. It’s a holiday.”

You don’t owe anybody an explanation if they aren’t paying your bills. We’re all gathering to have a good time. This is a polite way of declining to answer if you’re uncomfortable or simply don’t want to. If your family means well, they will respect this answer and move on to another topic.

Mind you (in my Black auntie voice), nobody is entitled to any information from you, about your work or anything else you want to remain private. But if you do decide to discuss your career this Thursday, these are creative ways you can respond to genuinely interested family members.

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