Founder, Jessica Wise

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Choosing Thankfulness

Choosing Thankfulness

By Jessica Wise

The world is problematic right now. It’s not a secret, and it never was. Even as I enjoy watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade and daydream of the same plate I pile up every year, I move with a pang of anger at the world outside.

We’re sitting around a table, eating more than our fair share when people in our own backyards are starving, dying even, of hunger.

We’re trying to respectfully but firmly redirect that old uncle who still believes in colorism or gender roles, while neo-Nazis and KKK remain a shining example of what happens when people let that mentality go too far. In my “black Mecca” of Atlanta, those guys still meet on top of a mountain down the street.

We’re hiding to-go plates and fighting over the last piece of pie when our best friend is on the other side of the country fighting with his fear to come out to his parents. Because even in 2019, it can still be dangerous to be who you are.

But today, I choose thankfulness.

I’m thankful that because more women and men are saying, “Me too,” in the hopes that someday less will have to.

I’m thankful that even though my nation is sick and divided, those who resist are uniting and speaking. And they can still do so legally.

I wish the best for the family I have cut ties with, but I am more thankful for the family I chose.

Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be problematic and dreadful. Don’t want to confront toxic family at grandma’s dinner? Don’t go, or go and don’t let that person ruin your good time. Or plan a Friendsgiving and let peace and love do the cooking. Because the family you do choose won’t be here forever, and you deserve that time with them. 

This is the last Thanksgiving of the decade. Choose thankfulness.

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