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Audacity Book Club: September Read

Audacity Book Club: September Read

Welcome back, audacious readers!

As fall approaches, we’re finding books to keep close as the year cools down. Last month, we wrapped up Hot Love Summer with the adorable slice-of-life webcomic Daybreak by Moosopp. This month, we’re savoring the last of summer’s rays with the poetry volume to feel the darkness but choose the light by Jhane.

What happens to your heart after someone you thought would be in your life forever leaves? The volume explores this question, starting with the heartbreak of someone you love walking away. From there Jhane takes us through the ups and downs of the healing process.

This volume explores the many aspects of losing and finding yourself when the darkness or the past seems impossible to move on from. Split into four sections—dimming, flickering, shimmering, and beaming—Jhane walks us through a personal journey of growth with an ongoing metaphor of light and a few references to well-known songs and movies.

Through the highs and lows, to feel the darkness but choose the light is Jhane’s reminder to readers to keep going, keep singing and bask in the light no matter how little there seems to be. This book is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online retailers. If you want to know more about the poet and her inspiration for the volume, check out her interview with Audacity.

I hope you guys have fun with this one, and I will see you at the end of the month for the full review. Until then, don’t forget to read audaciously!

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