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Audacity Book Club: August Read

Audacity Book Club: August Read

Welcome back and happy 2nd anniversary, audacious readers!!

Can’t believe we’ve already completed two years of diversifying our bookshelves. I’m so proud of us and am excited to discover new books with you over the next year. For now, we will focus on winding down Hot Love Summer. Last month, we experienced a once-in-a-lifetime connection in Chicago with Alone With You In the Ether by Olivie Blake. This month, we're going back to basic with the web comic Daybreak by Moosopp.

Marcus is practically sunshine in a bottle with a love of cooking. Cog is a stoic, aspiring musician. While these two high schoolers have always been friendly, it isn’t until Cog unexpectedly compliments Marcus that Marcus develops a crush. Eager to learn more about his fellow classmate, Marcus starts hanging out with Cog, ensuing hijinks that remind us of the best and worst parts of having a crush.

As Cog and Marcus develop their friendship, learn more and more about each other, they can’t help but wonder if there may be something more to their connection. But who will make the first move? What could stand in their way? And above all else, will they or won’t they?

Adorable and heartfelt, Daybreak is a slice-of-life comic that reminds us that when it comes to love, it’s all about the little things. This comic is available online and on the Webtoon app for free (you don’t even need to create an account to access it.) I hope you guys have fun with this one, and I will see you at the end of the month for the full review.

Until then, don’t forget to read audaciously!

Building A Business When You’re Broke: Free Tools For Entrepreneurs

Building A Business When You’re Broke: Free Tools For Entrepreneurs

Alone With You in the Ether Review

Alone With You in the Ether Review