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Audacity Book Club: Spring Break

Audacity Book Club: Spring Break

Hello, audacious readers!

It’s me. Hi. I’m going on a break.

So, as we say in the 2020s, life has been life-ing. There have been a lot of good changes and opportunities in my life lately. However, that does make my schedule incredibly busy. Because of this, April will be Spring Break for the Audacity Book Club.

Now, before you get antsy, don’t worry. While there will be no designated book of the month or IG live for us to chat through, I’m not leaving you hanging. Instead, here’s a short list of suggestions to read on your own:

  • I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest – Perfect for those looking for a straight up, non-romantic mystery. Plus, it has illustrations that get you more immersed in the story.

  • Miles: the Autobiography by Miles Davis – A fantastic memoir from the enigmatic jazz player that explores his life and music philosophies.

  • The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James – The pandemic would’ve been a cakewalk for this girl. This sci-fi story explores the loneliness, trauma and mental fortitude of a girl stuck on a spaceship by herself.

  • These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong – This author put Romeo and Juliet in 1920’s Shanghai, adding in monster/horror element, and made an unexpected masterpiece.

  • The Hidden Palace by Helen Wecker – Yes this is a sequel. Yes I’m still recommending it (mostly because my grandad has my copy of the first book in the series, The Golem and the Jinni). A mix of fantasy and historical fiction, this is an opposites attracts love and life story staring a golem and jinn in early New York.

  • Anything you like by any author you like – Consider this a free space to literally read anything you want. A comic, a self-help book, a cheesy romance, a National Geographic article,  or just the CVS receipt.

Hope you guys enjoy this spring break. I can’t wait to come back in May, energized and ready to read exciting new books for the summer.

Until then, don’t forget to read audaciously!

— Nic Daniels

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