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It's All About Balance

It's All About Balance

By Naomi Kouassi

When you hear the word “balance” what comes to mind? A balanced diet? A balanced life? According to the Webster dictionary, balance (in this context) is defined as “equipoise between contrasting, opposing, or interacting elements.”

I believe we all struggle with finding balance in our lives. As a millennial, I find it extremely hard because not only do I work full-time, but I am also in grad school full-time. I am a blogger as well, and I am going through the journey of life just like everyone else. One thing I love about my generation is our ambition and persistence to get where we want to be, but often we get so caught up in what we are doing that we forget to take care of ourselves. Sometimes, we even feel guilty for taking a break. 

We’ve been trained to go to school, get a job, work, get married, and have kids. No one has ever made an emphasis on the importance of taking care of ourselves. It’s like we have been conditioned to be machines. We are NOT machines. We need to learn that taking time to do things we enjoy doing is not a bad thing, nor should we feel guilty for it. 

The amount of effort you put in to make sure your work is amazing...Do you put in that same effort to take care of yourself? I’ve learned when you’re not a 100%, it will reflect in other areas of your life. This is why balance is so important, because it helps you recharge. Because when you really think about it in the end, why do you work hard? To do the things you enjoy, right? 

When I was younger, my father used to say there is a time to work and a time to play. So when it is time to work, you work and don’t worry about anything else. When it’s time to play, go have some fun or do things you enjoy doing. While I was in college, I learned the importance of balance. I always had a lot on my plate in school (assignments, projects, work, extra-curriculars) but I also managed to find time to exercise and party. That is when I realized my father’s wise words were true. I also realized that life can’t always be about work. I can’t attach my happiness to just work. I had a planner throughout college, and it changed my life forever. I would write everything down, because at that time every hour of the day counted. It helped me better manage my time and also see where I would have time for myself.

After I graduated college, it was a struggle for me to find balance. What I thought I enjoyed in college wasn’t anything I actually enjoyed doing. I had to be intentional and try things I thought I would enjoy because I had spent so many years attaching my happiness to my work. 

“We are NOT machines. We need to learn that taking time to do things we enjoy doing is not a bad thing, nor should we feel guilty for it.”

I remember being at work one day and having some downtime. I I was talking to my coworker and they asked me, “What do you like to do? What are your hobbies?” I gave a quick answer (exercise), but I honestly couldn’t answer the question because I didn’t know. I was like, Is this why people have kids? Because they get bored? Ha, nonetheless, I tried a few things, and now I can say I am living a balanced life. I still have a lot on my plate today, and I still use a planner. I plan a month at a time and lay out everything for work, school, bills, etc. but I also write in days that I’m going to take off and do things I enjoy. I really enjoy laying down and doing nothing, so I intentionally wake up an hour earlier to do that. I am also strict with my time and do not allow myself to look at my work email after 5:30pm. When I am finished with class, I intentionally avoid schoolwork for some time because I know I need a break. 

So, what if you don’t know what you enjoy? Then you have to work on learning what you actually like doing. 

It has taken me some time and I am still working on not feeling guilty for taking a break. I’m sure we can all relate. We are busy, so when we take a break, we tell ourselves, “OMG, I could be working on this right now.” I had to sit back and think, What is this all for Naomi, why do you work so hard? Then, boom. It’s because I want to do things I enjoy. 

Life isn’t all about work. It’s the little things as well. And as we continue to grow through life, what balance means to you will change over time, and that is okay.

Ultimately, balance is something we all struggle with. We have to remind ourselves that we are not machines and it is okay to take a break. What has helped me over the years is getting a planner, figuring out what I enjoy doing, and making sure I protect my energy to actually do things I like and surround myself with people I like. I listen and watch a lot of personal development. A current theme I hear when listening to successful people is balance and making sure you are whole before working on anything else. 

So, the amount of energy you are putting out to make sure your work or your business is thriving, put that same energy into taking care of yourself. It’s all about balance.

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Meet the Writer

Naomi Kouassi is a 25-year-old Ivorian currently living in Atlanta, Georgia. She works in technology as a product owner, and she is also pursuing her Master’s in Information Systems. She enjoys reading, traveling, cooking, and spending time with the people she loves. She also has a blog where she shares wisdom, life lessons, and a glimpse of her lifestyle.

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