Founder, Jessica Wise

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5 Ways to Conquer September Surge

5 Ways to Conquer September Surge

By Jessica Wise

Brace yourselves! It’s that time of year again. The time when the floodgates (and the budgets) of the job market open one last time to fill those seasonal temp jobs and outstanding permanent roles.

And just like that, September Surge is upon us. While the gettings may be better than normal (especially after the year we’ve had with the job market), don’t be fooled. This isn’t a 2000s TV show, or its charming new reboot. The surge doesn’t mean you’ll get a new job *snaps* just like that. You need a strategy.

I’ve seen my share of September Surges, and none of them have been 100% the same. But here are a few key consistent tactics I’ve noticed throughout that have landed my friends, family, and myself in better jobs positions:

Give Your Resume a Facelift

Don’t just “dust off your resume.” If you’re looking for a new job during the September Surge, chances are you’ve been out of the market for awhile. Your resume will need to catch up with the times. Don’t just add your recent info. Update your template, layer in new buzzwords that will better catch the resume reader, and freshen up your references with people you’ve worked with more recently if possible.

Join a Facebook Group

I know. I know. Everything has become a game of social media and algorithms, including the job market. It’s messed up. But refusing to participate isn’t the power move you think it is.Either you play the game or the game will play you. Find Facebook groups with fellow industry professionals in your area. Often, the people at the companies you’re trying to reach are posting jobs there and keeping an eye out for your application if you comment or DM them that you’re interested before you apply. Networking in these groups can make the difference in you getting a second look or just being another number.

Get a Second Set of Eyes

I have over 100 publishings to my credit, and I still need somebody to proofread my work. When you’re too close to your resume or cover letter, you get tunnel vision, and mistakes become harder to spot, even if you go over it multiple times. Pick one friend, family member, or mentor to give your work a good once over with fresh eyes.

Go Outside

That networking event you’ve been avoiding could be the missing link between you and your next job. Hit the streets and market yourself. Simply being on LinkedIn isn’t enough anymore. Seek out mixers, job fairs, and networking events where the people you need to meet are going to be. Sure, you might not meet the CEO of your dream company. But you might befriend someone who can refer you or meet a fellow professional who can support you in your next steps.

Just Spend the Money

Like everything else, your job hunt is an investment in yourself. Hire a resume writer or editor. Pay for a prettier template on Canva. Upgrade your LinkedIn to Premium. Take the online resume workshop. These seemingly superfluous expenses will actually set you apart from other candidates in the long run. If you’re tight on budget, pick one thing to pay a little extra for. You’ll be able to pay yourself back when you’re making more money at your new job.

September Surge might look a little different this year, but you miss all the opportunities you don’t take. Apply these tips as you continue your job search, and you’ll be on your way!

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